Final year internship journey

Sushil bista
3 min readMay 9, 2021

During the pandemic, I was working on gaining some new skills in graphic design and animation, and most importantly I was completely living in my world where I isolated myself from outside by concentrating on something which would positively help me. Initially, I started learning about 3d designing and character creation, animation, and game design as I did not have anyone to learn from or ask advice from so, I had to put a halt on this and started another thing I was interested in so I shifted my interest toward graphic design as I knew someone who could help me with my learning path towards becoming a graphic designer.

Internships, in my opinion, are essential for finding the right environment; you cannot simply choose one company because you like the work they produce; it may not be right for you.

When I started my internship in January, I started in a junior role, so I was given a lot of responsibility. This includes logo designing, menu design, and lots of conceptual ideas, so I had a lot of input. They said they would help me out with what I do not understand and placed me on those kinds of projects which they think are understandable to me and could be executed by me. Mentor and colleges helped allow me to grow in the areas I wanted.

Tutoring from the mentor was of great help and advice on how to do things, I have had a Senior graphic designer intern who was always talking to me and it was a positive atmosphere for working. There is never any deadline stress, but rather guidance on how to work around a specific problem, and Senior Designers assisted everyone. Everyone has an opinion, so this has aided my approach to projects and how to actually fix particular problems. One of the things I have learned from doing internships is that to try to find the atmosphere that suits you and the atmosphere you work best in.

There was competition with other interns and graduates to earn your place within the company to prove that you want the junior role the most. They said they wanted me to be the one to gives input and they wanted me to be forthcoming with ideas. Even when I was feeling inferior to the other members because of the gap in skills between me who was new to this field and the other members who had skills on the other level then the mentor assured me that each member is a valued member of the team.

There were many responsibilities which I was tasked with, which includes illustrating concept by designing rough layout of art and copy regarding arrangement, size, type size and style, and related aesthetic concepts then obtains approval of the concept. Some assignments which I was assigned to recreate the restaurant logo, design a menu, and make some doodle related to the office and back to school.

I have known from the university that you could be great at anything( programming, designing, writing article, making a poster, or making a project), but in the workplace when you are watching other people you get to know the shortcuts and little tricks that make the work done in a much easier way. The level is not so much a step up in the working world as it is the speed with which the work must be completed.

My journey at the company was an invaluable experience. Apart from an everlasting love for the company, my internship has taught me actual teamwork, new technologies, and software implementations. As a student, it was an excellent way to gain insight into the industry and gain a fresh perspective on what to expect after graduation. I am immensely thankful to have been given this opportunity and cannot wait to start applying the skills I have learned during my time here.

